Dr. Joel Richards has been in practice since 2006 and is the owner and director of the Cafe of Life Chiropractic Studio. His chiropractic care center in London, Ontario, has a reputation for family wellness. Whether you’re a child, a mother-to-be, a struggling senior, or a weekend warrior, he wants to help you. He has over a decade of top-notch experience helping people experience vitality and glowing health.
We believe that every human being is designed to be extraordinary. You’re extraordinary by design — not by chance. For the body to heal, it has to have open communication pathways. Our practice places its focus on the master controller of the body. This master of operations is the nervous system. We want to be sure that its function is optimal and that all systems are up and running properly. The side effect is good health, less pain, and less dysfunction. We know from practical and personal experience that chiropractic is life-changing. Our office sees “little miracles” almost every day. We've seen everything from eliminating lifelong migraines to stopping the projectile vomiting of an ailing baby.
Dr. Joel and his team would love to welcome you to their practice family. We’re passionate about what we do, and our practice members feel it the minute they walk through the door. We feature state-of-the-art diagnostic scan technology and offer an array of attractive care technique options.
Contact Dr. Joel today for a consultation!
If you're happy with our service and think that a friend or family member could feel relief from a painful or chronic condition, recommend us. We would be glad to help.